Bypassing Windows Login Passwords with CaptureGUARD Gateway for Forensic Acquisition
Bypassing Windows Login Passwords with CaptureGUARD Gateway for Forensic Acquisition https://www.windowsscope.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/captureguard_gateway.jpg 648 395 WindowsSCOPE WindowsSCOPE https://www.windowsscope.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/captureguard_gateway.jpgLive memory acquisition is becoming increasingly important for digital investigations. One of the biggest obstacles with memory acquisition, however, is that in many cases a computer under investigation is locked, requiring a password that is not available.
CaptureGUARD Gateway enables investigators to overcome this challenge by allowing them to log into a computer without knowing the password. Watch this video demonstration of CaptureGUARD Gateway unlocking XP, Vista, and Windows 7 computers.
To get a memory dump from a locked computer, an investigator could then simply run any memory acquisition software.